The user interface

The first steps for the beginning of an HEC-HMS projects are:
1) Create a New Project, giving a Name, a Description and a folder location.
File > New > Create New Project
2) Load the TERRAIN file (.tif).
Components > Terrain Data Manager

3) Load the BASIN model shapefile.
Components > Basin Model Manager

4) Link the BASIN model to the TERRAIN
In the watershed explorer:
Components tab > Basin Model tab > Terrain Data;
You can now select the DEM file to be linked to the Basin Model.

Then, this dialog box appears:

It is recommended to select "Skip": in this way the basin model will have the same coordinate system of the Terrain.
Finally, we're gonna have something like this:

Now in the menu bar, under the GIS tab, there first four features are available:

Click to XXXX to know more about the Coordinate System and when/how to use it.
Click to XXXX to know more about the Terrain Reconditioning... and when/how to use it.
Click to XXXX to know more about the Coordinate System and when/how to use it.
Click to XXXX to know more about the Preprocess Drainage and when/how to use it.
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